Wednesday 10 September 2014

Benefits Of ISO Certification Training By URSINDIA

What is ISO certification?

To avoid this hassle, International Standard of Organization (ISO) was formed to set benchmarks against which the quality of these products and services could be measured. If the set standards are matched, the company or organization's products and services are given a certification by an external certification body, signifying the reliability and safety of the same.

Since the organizations will follow set criteria of certification for production, resources will be utilized optimally. On seeing an ISO mark, customers will not give a second thought before making a purchase of the product or service. Moreover, it widens the horizons for these organizations by opening avenues for foreign trade.

ISO solely develops quality standards for products and services. An external certification body, however, provides certification. For this purpose, one needs to get certified as an ISO Lead Auditor. These certifications are subdivided into specializations, for e.g. ISO 27001, ISO 9001, QMS, EMS, FSMS and Lead Auditor specializes in Information Security Management System (ISMS).

A Lead Auditor is responsible for making certification assessments and preparing audit reports in an orderly fashion. Furthermore, he/she is also required to prepare reports concluding the audit and scores based on set principles.

For this, thorough Lead Auditor training is of most importance. It helps an individual develop the necessary skills to undertake the job through a scrupulous understanding of the Quality Management System guidelines and principles. The audit procedure can be undertaken as a team effort to avoid any discrepancies.


  1. Woww.... that's good news to know about OHSAS certification training it will helpful for so many organization.

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